Welcome to Strawberry Hill Animal Hosp

Strawberry Hill Animal Hosp is a Norwalk veterinary clinic. To visit the vet office please give them a call 203-847-5875 and request an appointment, or use the map below to make a visit in person.

350 Westport Ave
Norwalk, CT 06851
Phone: 203-847-5875
Fax: 203-849-3015

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Average Rating for : 3 (1 reviews)

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Average Rating: 3 (1 reviews)


Tails of Courage - We adopted a puppy from Tails of Courage in Norwalk a week ago. Puppies had a cough. Our puppie has developed a cough, no appetite. Owner of Tails of Courage suggested we reach out to you to see if you have information that might help us determine if our puppy has distemper. We will also ask our vet to call you. We need to know if this is what we are facing. Can you advise?
-Dennis G.

Rating: 3

Below are directions to Strawberry Hill Animal Hosp, please call 203-847-5875 for specific directions or to make an appointment.