Welcome to Greensboro Vet Clinic
Greensboro Vet Clinic is a Greensboro veterinary clinic. To visit the vet office please give them a call 334-624-3378 and request an appointment, or use the map below to make a visit in person.
1405 State St
Greensboro, AL 36744
Phone: 334-624-3378
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Average Rating: 5 (4 reviews)
they are the best their real down home n friendly the vetrenarians great and the nurses are super friendly... their also super cheap.
-bethany b.
Rating: 5
This is the only place I will take my pets.
-J B.
Rating: 5
They are affordable. They are very nice. I live in Tuscaloosa but it's worth the drive. The vet is so nice and takes his time to answer every question you have.The vets in tuscaloosa want your money and that's it but greensboro actually wants to help you and your pet out.
-Lacey C.
Rating: 5
Best place in the world to take your pets!!!
-D B.
Rating: 5
Below are directions to Greensboro Vet Clinic, please call 334-624-3378 for specific directions or to make an appointment.