Welcome to Cross Creek Animal Hospital

Cross Creek Animal Hospital is a Waynesville veterinary clinic. To visit the vet office please give them a call 573-774-3337 and request an appointment, or use the map below to make a visit in person.

105 Ichord Ave
Waynesville, MO 65583
Phone: 573-774-3337

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Average Rating for : 5 (3 reviews)

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Average Rating: 5 (3 reviews)


Friendly staff who care for all my pets .
-Susan A.

Rating: 5

I was surprised when the vet sat down on the floor and started peting my dog. I have never seen a vet do that before and it made my dog feel more comfortable and not scared. It is a very good place to take your animal.
-seth a.

Rating: 5
this is about yorkie buttons, can we give him cyclosporine 25mg, and,hydrocodone 5mg, and,metoclopraminde 5mg all in the same day? for dr. Deanna tolliver, reply please, thanks
-robert b.

Rating: 5
Below are directions to Cross Creek Animal Hospital, please call 573-774-3337 for specific directions or to make an appointment.