Welcome to Animal Samaritan Inc

Animal Samaritan Inc is a Thousand Palms veterinary clinic. To visit the vet office please give them a call 760-343-3477 and request an appointment, or use the map below to make a visit in person.

72307 Ramon Rd
Thousand Palms, CA 92276
Phone: 760-343-3477
Fax: 760-343-0078

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Average Rating for : 3.8 (5 reviews)

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Average Rating: 3.8 (5 reviews)


My Lily had an allergy problem and the Dr. was excellent. We need to see him again. Please help us! Phone # 760-322-7947 Thanks Ed
-Edward C.

Rating: 5

My neighbor told me that your program spade and give shots to dogs if you have low income, is this true?
-Cassaundra B.

Rating: 3
Does Animal Samairtans offer low cost vet care - I am currently unemployed and my dog is in needof care - needless tosay - funds are limited!
-Edwina W.

Rating: 4
i have a small pomaranian who needs to get "fixed" i dont know if spayed or nuttered is the right word for it. How much does that cost? also i need to update his vaccines, need a rabie shot. How much? Do you have any specials coming up?
-cecelia  p.

Rating: 4
muy buena clinica, solo hace faltaque los doctores tambien ablen espanol, o bien un traductor para mejorar la comunicacion y que uno salga sin dudas con respecto ala salud de nuestras mascotas. aun asi reconosco que es una buena clinica.
-veronica c.

Rating: 3
Below are directions to Animal Samaritan Inc, please call 760-343-3477 for specific directions or to make an appointment.