Welcome to Animal Clinic Of Bogalusa
Animal Clinic Of Bogalusa is a Bogalusa veterinary clinic. To visit the vet office please give them a call 985-735-6271 and request an appointment, or use the map below to make a visit in person.
1801 Highway 10
Bogalusa, LA 70427
Phone: 985-735-6271
Fax: 985-735-0767
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Average Rating: 1 (1 reviews)
This is a horrible place. Dr. Penton is the ruddest person I have ever had to deal with. I don't even know why she became a vet. Her being a vet is like the Grinch being a teacher. She does not care about the pets or pet owners. Her only concern is getting paid. If you are willing to pay her prices you are a great pet owner, if not you are "stupid and shouldn't own pets" (her words exactly). Pets would be better off at the pound instead of her so called clinic.
-Chris D.
Rating: 1
Below are directions to Animal Clinic Of Bogalusa, please call 985-735-6271 for specific directions or to make an appointment.