Welcome to Animal Center

Animal Center is a Helena veterinary clinic. To visit the vet office please give them a call 406-442-3160 and request an appointment, or use the map below to make a visit in person.

1301 Cedar St
Helena, MT 59601
Phone: 406-442-3160
Fax: 406-442-0520

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Average Rating for : 5 (1 reviews)

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Average Rating: 5 (1 reviews)


We've lost our Jack Russell Terrier, Sophie, 10 yrs old, Friday evening on York Rd. near Hauser Lake. Please help us find her! She's chipped and lives in Great Falls. Please call at 868-8031. A young couple in a Charcoal Gray Suburu with kayaks on top picked her up. We're frantic! Thank you!
-Laurie B.

Rating: 5

Below are directions to Animal Center, please call 406-442-3160 for specific directions or to make an appointment.